Our clients are smart enough

Starting out, owners or founders of small businesses can survive by relying on their gut instincts and keeping themselves busy. They have complete visibility of what is going on around them from day to day because there just aren’t that many moving parts to grapple with.

As their businesses scale up and grow however, things get far more complex. They might add employees, expand their footprint, or add products or services to the original offering. The initial taste of success can be an intoxicating fuel for their egos and ambition, however the aftertaste is a feeling of ‘flying by the seat of their pants’

Consequently a lot of businesses will stumble while taking the ‘next step’. Despite having a book-keeper, a tax accountant and substantial turnover –  their monthly results and cashflow are volatile, unpredictable and often disappointing.

More than anything they just want to be able go home at night and switch off, having peace of mind that tomorrow will not be the day that they wake up and all their fears about losing everything become a reality.

Our clients are smart or at least smart enough to understand the value in having an experienced, strategic, commercially savvy industry specialist on their team.  They know it’s the most cost-effective way to add this essential capability, to gain an edge in this hyper-competitive environment.

David Dillon is the President of the Virtual CFO Association.

The Virtual CFO Association is an elite peer network, advocating and promoting the emerging Virtual CFO sector within the accounting profession. Collectively the association currently has over 500 years of industry experience, with highly qualified and experienced specialists spread across more than 20 industry verticals. If you would like any more information regarding the Association of Virtual CFO’s, please visit our website www.vcfoassociation.com.au